We have a few spaces remaining for 2-year-olds and 3-year-olds for September 2024, so please apply quickly to secure a place.

This term in squirrel class, there has been a big interest in playdough, so we have provided extra challenges by teaching children how to make their own playdough. We now have a playdough station daily in the environment for children to choose the equipment and ingredients they need, and they make their own playdough independently. It has been great to hear children working together to solve problems…

“It’s too sticky… I need more flour.”
“It’s too dry; I need more water”.

This is our simple recipe if you want to have a go at home over the Christmas break: 

One cup of flour 
Half a cup of salt 
Spoonful of oil 

Pour a little bit of water at a time and stir until the consistency is right! 

If you have paint or food colouring, add this to make it extra fun! Children are experts at this, we hope they can share their brilliant play dough making skills with you.

Photo by Julietta Watson on Unsplash

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