Our Christmas Tree

Our Christmas Tree

A huge thank you to B&Q for donating a beautiful Christmas tree to Hartcliffe Nursery School. We’ll add some additional photos once the tree has been decorated.
Our Christmas Party

Our Christmas Party

Come and join in the fun at our Christmas Party. Beginning of the week children and families are invited to attend on Wednesday 18th December, 10:00am – 11:00am, and end of the week children and families are invited on Friday 20th December, 1:00pm –...
Position Filled: Deputy Headteacher

Position Filled: Deputy Headteacher

Hartcliffe Nursery School is a vibrant setting offering high-quality nursery education for children aged 2-4, term-time only. Together, we have created a learning community with relationships and nurture at the heart. It is a place where childhood is protected,...
Inset Day Reminder

Inset Day Reminder

Remember, next Wednesday, November 27th, is an Inset Day at Hartcliffe Nursery School. The nursery is closed to all children for the afternoon session. Find more information on our Term Dates page.
Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever

We have had a confirmed case of scarlet fever in our setting. Please see the information below regarding advice and information. If your child has Scarlet Fever, we advise parents to keep their children home until they feel well enough to return. Scarlet Fever The...
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