
Welcome to Butterflies! On our room page, you can find key information about this room, such as the room’s team, information about your child’s key person, and more.

We believe every child is unique and special, and we are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment where your child can learn, grow and thrive.

We are excited to share news from our room with you on this page. You can find updates on our latest activities, events, and projects. We hope that you will find this page informative and engaging.

Thank you for choosing Hartcliffe Nursery School. We look forward to getting to know you and your child in Butterflies.

Nursery Classes

Our Nursery School is made up of 2 classes from September every year with a 3rd class from January.

Each class is led by a qualified teacher. They work with at least two Level 3 qualified Early Years Practitioners in each class. This means that there is an adult for every ten children.

Children join Nursery School usually the term after they turn 3.

If your child is three between April and August, they will start in September.

If your child is three between September and December, they will start in January.

If your child is three between January and March, they will start in April.

We offer

2.5 days a week: Monday and Tuesday (8:30am - 2:30pm) and Wednesday am (8:30am - 11:30am) or Wednesday pm (12:30pm - 3:30pm), and Thursday and Friday (8:30am - 2:30pm).

We offer a limited number of 30-hour and Paid Daycare places.

Did You Know?...

Butterflies taste their food with their front feet! How funny is that? It’s really easy to attract butterflies to your garden. You can plant flowers that butterflies love, such as marigolds, zinnias, and cosmos.

More Facts

News and Updates from Butterflies

Butterflies Update – November 2024 (Term 1 Update)

Butterflies Update – November 2024 (Term 1 Update)

Butterflies class have been working on developing their skills with tools and combining materials since September. They have developed perseverance, hand eye coordination, fine motor skills and how to plan and make their ideas come alive! The children are learning to...

Butterflies Update – March 2024 (Term 4 Update)

Butterflies Update – March 2024 (Term 4 Update)

Pancakes!!! To start Term 4, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday by making pancakes. We discussed why we make pancakes and also shared our own experiences of eating pancakes. Then the fun really began when we got to make pancakes of our own. First, we made an ingredients...

Butterflies Update – December 2023 (Term 2 Highlights)

Butterflies Update – December 2023 (Term 2 Highlights)

What a fantastic term it has been. As the winter months have rolled in and the days have been getting darker, the children in Butterfly Class have been exploring many different types of learning. We have been learning The Three Billy Goat’s Gruff for our Core Story. ...

Butterflies Update – December 2023 (Seasonal Celebrations)

Butterflies Update – December 2023 (Seasonal Celebrations)

After Bonfire night, many children were fascinated with talking about their experiences and looking at pictures and videos. Developing activities from children's own experiences and ideas is one of the most valuable things we do at nursery; it makes it so much more...

Butterflies Update – November 2023 (Pizzas and Pumpkins)

Butterflies Update – November 2023 (Pizzas and Pumpkins)

At the end of Term 2, the children in Butterfly Class had a wonderful time learning about pizza and pumpkins. Pizzas Some children have been fascinated by making pizza in the home corner or with play dough. To extend this learning, we made an ingredient list for the...

Butterflies Update – November 2023

Butterflies Update – November 2023

What a great start to our journey in Butterfly Class. It's been lovely getting to know the children and finding out their interests. Everyone has settled in really well and the children are confident in independently exploring their new classroom. The children have...

Butterfly Class Looking After Caterpillars

Butterfly Class Looking After Caterpillars

Last week, some caterpillars arrived in our classroom, and we are excited about watching them grow. First, they started out as tiny caterpillars, wriggling around a little pot. In groups, we talked about what we could see them doing and what they looked like. We have...

Term 5 in Butterflies

Term 5 in Butterflies

In Term 5, the children in Butterfly Class became gardeners and explored how to grow seeds into plants.   We explored seeds by cutting up fruit and vegetables and finding them inside.  We then planted different seeds and thought about what they might...

Butterflies Update – March 2023

Butterflies Update – March 2023

To celebrate Shrove Tuesday at the beginning of the term, Butterfly Class began thinking about pancakes. We used the story ‘Mr Wolve’s Pancakes’ to think about the ingredients needed to make our own pancakes. We made a list which was used to buy the ingredients. Then...

Squirrels and Butterflies Cooking

Squirrels and Butterflies Cooking

Squirrels and Butterflies have been cooking today, getting hands-on with natural ingredients and preparing sweetcorn frittatas. Learning how to cook and prepare food is a valuable skill for young children. It can help them develop maths, science, reading, and cultural...

Butterflies (3 and 4 year-olds) Room Team













Key Information



Your Key Person

Your child will have a special person to link with when they come to nursery called a key person.

This member of staff will work very closely with you and your child to make sure your child settles well and that we meet their needs.

They will plan carefully for your child’s development and learning and will communicate with you as much as possible.

A lovely learning diary will be made for you and your child to look at regularly and which you will be invited to contribute to with photos, pictures and comments.

We will invite you to come and share this diary at least 3 times a year.

What to Bring

We do lots of messy things at nursery so please don’t send your child in their best clothes!

We do use aprons wherever possible and you can buy centre sweatshirts and polo shirts from us.

  • A spare set of clothes in a bag for your child to be changed into in case of an accident is very helpful and also nappies and wipes as needed.
  • Shoes that are comfortable and that your child can run and jump around in are important.
  • On hot days, please bring a sun hat and put sun lotion on before your child comes to nursery.

Please don’t bring your child to nursery if:

  • They are unwell with a cold, infection or bug
  • They have been physically sick or had diarrhoea (they must stay home at least 48 hours after the last occurrence).

Please ring us if your child is ill so we can note it down in our records.

We will phone you if your child becomes unwell during the nursery session and ask you or the person you have given as an emergency contact to collect as soon as possible.


Please tell us about any prescribed medicines, drugs, health, diet or allergies that your child may have.

We can only give medicines to children if they are prescribed.

Trips and Visits Out of Nursery

We aim to offer the children the opportunity to visit interesting places in the local area throughout the year and especially when the weather is better in Spring and Summer.

We will ask you to accompany on these visits as it really helps us but also supports you and your children learning together.

Meals and Snacks

All children will have a snack time with their key person where they will be offered fruit and milk or water.

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