To start Term 4, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday by making pancakes. We discussed why we make pancakes and also shared our own experiences of eating pancakes. Then the fun really began when we got to make pancakes of our own.
First, we made an ingredients list to help us buy the things we needed for our pancakes.
The following day, we mixed the ingredients together. We needed two eggs, one hundred grams of flour and three hundred mls of milk. In our groups, we took turns to pour out the ingredients, crack the eggs and then mix together.
Later in the day, we talked about being safe when using a hot plate and when touching a frying pan. We also thought about how the pancake batter would change when we heated it up.
It was great to listen to the pancake batter bubble in the pan. We could smell butter melting and when the batter began to bubble, we each had a go at flipping the pancake. We wore an oven glove to keep safe and an adult helped us.
At the end, we ate the pancakes that we made together.
For story time, we then read the Jan Fearnley story ‘Mr Wolve’s Pancakes.’
What a great way to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.

World Book Day
On Wednesday, the 6th of March we thought about all things books to celebrate World Book Day. It was great fun to come to nursery dressed as our favourite book characters. What a transformation there was!
Our families stayed a bit longer in the morning for our first read-a-long. It was great to read stories together and talk about books.
In our play we told our own stories and made our own books. It was really fun to become authors.
Look out for our next read-a-long!