We have a few spaces remaining for 2-year-olds and 3-year-olds for September 2024, so please apply quickly to secure a place.


Welcome to Woodpeckers! On our room page, you can find key information about this room, such as the room’s team, information about your child’s key person, and more.

We believe every child is unique and special, and we are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment where your child can learn, grow and thrive.

We are excited to share news from our room with you on this page. You can find updates on our latest activities, events, and projects. We hope that you will find this page informative and engaging.

Thank you for choosing Hartcliffe Nursery School. We look forward to getting to know you and your child in Woodpeckers.

Nursery Classes

Our Nursery School is made up of 2 classes from September every year with a 3rd class from January.

Each class is led by a qualified teacher. They work with at least two Level 3 qualified Early Years Practitioners in each class. This means that there is an adult for every ten children.

Children join Nursery School usually the term after they turn 3.

If your child is three between April and August, they will start in September.

If your child is three between September and December, they will start in January.

If your child is three between January and March, they will start in April.

We offer

2.5 days a week: Monday and Tuesday (8:30am - 2:30pm) and Wednesday am (8:30am - 11:30am) or Wednesday pm (12:30pm - 3:30pm), and Thursday and Friday (8:30am - 2:30pm).

We offer a limited number of 30-hour and Paid Daycare places.

Did You Know?...

The woodpecker has a tough, pointed beak that it uses to chip on bark, drum on trees, and find insects. The tip of their bill is chisel-shaped and sharp from all the pecking on wood. The tongue of a woodpecker can span up to four inches long.

More Facts

News and Updates from Woodpeckers

Woodpeckers Update – March 2024 (Term 4 Highlights)

Woodpeckers Update – March 2024 (Term 4 Highlights)

In term four in Woodpeckers class we’ve been welcoming new friends, showing them all our current interests. We took a lovely trip to the icy forest, noticing the frost on the grass and collecting objects. Some of us were having conversations about length of sticks....

Woodpeckers Update – November 2023 (Building Bridges and Dens)

Woodpeckers Update – November 2023 (Building Bridges and Dens)

This term so far in Woodpeckers, we've been really interested in bridges, building our own using lots of positional language (under, across, over), challenging ourselves, and making higher and lower bridges to go over and under while keeping ourselves safe.  We've...

Exploring Jack and the Beanstalk in Woodpeckers with Story Maps

Exploring Jack and the Beanstalk in Woodpeckers with Story Maps

Last week we continued our exploration of Jack and the Beanstalk, by working together to create a story map! We talked first about who the characters were, how the story started and how it ended. We have noticed many opportunities to talk about feelings in this story,...

Woodpeckers Update – June 2023

Woodpeckers Update – June 2023

Last term we planted some seeds!  We talked about the different seeds' size, pattern, colour and shapes. We noticed that the soil was soft and light. We practiced our new vocabulary and talked about what we knew about plants. Some of us knew that our seeds need...

Growing Beans and Exploring Stories in Woodpeckers

Growing Beans and Exploring Stories in Woodpeckers

The children in Woodpeckers have been busy planting and caring for their own bean plants. They are amazed to see how fast they grow and how different they look each day. They have been learning about the different parts of the plant and the stages of its life cycle....

Woodpeckers Update – March 2023

Woodpeckers Update – March 2023

We have all been getting to know each other in Woodpeckers; we have some new children, Anna has just joined as the teacher in the room and Jess has joined the team too as an SEN support worker. Exploring the classroom together and finding out more about our families...

Woodpeckers (Rising 3s) Room Team



Class Teacher



Early Years Practitioner



Enhanced Provision SEND Support



Early Years Practitioner






Team Leader



Early Years Practitioner

Key Information



Your Key Person

Your child will have a special person to link with when they come to nursery called a key person.

This member of staff will work very closely with you and your child to make sure your child settles well and that we meet their needs.

They will plan carefully for your child’s development and learning and will communicate with you as much as possible.

A lovely learning diary will be made for you and your child to look at regularly and which you will be invited to contribute to with photos, pictures and comments.

We will invite you to come and share this diary at least 3 times a year.

What to Bring

We do lots of messy things at nursery so please don’t send your child in their best clothes!

We do use aprons wherever possible and you can buy centre sweatshirts and polo shirts from us.

  • A spare set of clothes in a bag for your child to be changed into in case of an accident is very helpful and also nappies and wipes as needed.
  • Shoes that are comfortable and that your child can run and jump around in are important.
  • On hot days, please bring a sun hat and put sun lotion on before your child comes to nursery.

Please don’t bring your child to nursery if:

  • They are unwell with a cold, infection or bug
  • They have been physically sick or had diarrhoea (they must stay home at least 48 hours after the last occurrence).

Please ring us if your child is ill so we can note it down in our records.

We will phone you if your child becomes unwell during the nursery session and ask you or the person you have given as an emergency contact to collect as soon as possible.


Please tell us about any prescribed medicines, drugs, health, diet or allergies that your child may have.

We can only give medicines to children if they are prescribed.

Trips and Visits Out of Nursery

We aim to offer the children the opportunity to visit interesting places in the local area throughout the year and especially when the weather is better in Spring and Summer.

We will ask you to accompany on these visits as it really helps us but also supports you and your children learning together.

Meals and Snacks

All children will have a snack time with their key person where they will be offered fruit and milk or water.

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