Last term we planted some seeds!
We talked about the different seeds’ size, pattern, colour and shapes. We noticed that the soil was soft and light. We practiced our new vocabulary and talked about what we knew about plants. Some of us knew that our seeds need water and light to grow and we taught our friends what we knew and talked about our experiences.
We have been watering the vegetables in the allotment, and we are amazed at how big our vegetables had grown already!

This term we are focusing on the story Jack and the Beanstalk, and we wish our beans had been magic. We know that children can learn so much from knowing a story inside and out, so we will be reading, telling and acting the story and then we will start writing our own stories and making up our own characters. If you can read, watch or talk about this story with your child, that would be great! I wonder if they can remember all of the characters from the story?