What a great start to our journey in Butterfly Class. It’s been lovely getting to know the children and finding out their interests. Everyone has settled in really well and the children are confident in independently exploring their new classroom.
The children have enjoyed role play and some of the children acting out their own experiences and using props to support this. The babies have been particularly popular, and children have shown lots of persistence when dressing them and working together as it is a tricky thing to do.
Outside children have been interested in creating obstacle courses and it has been great to watch them working cooperatively with friends and testing themselves physically. There has been a lot of problem solving and talking about keeping safe. In the forest, we have been creating leaf pictures by sticking leaves, twigs and pieces of bark onto masking tape, or gluing them down onto paper. It’s a great way to explore Autumn.
The large blocks have been a huge success when playing in the veranda. We enjoyed building obstacle courses, tall towers and also cars and motorcycles. We talked a lot about our building ideas and it’s great to finish a plan that we have made and use it for role play such as driving to the beach.
Large scale painting has also been an interest and some children are talking about their marks in detail. There has been some lovely cooperative painting and children sharing the space and their ideas.
We began learning a story as a group and the children enjoyed using puppets to tell the story of The Owl Babies. It’s a great tale about three owls who are waiting for their mummy Owl to return to the tree where she has left them. The children have been able to say the words of the story and have shown great listening and attention when the story is being read to them.