To celebrate Shrove Tuesday at the beginning of the term, Butterfly Class began thinking about pancakes. We used the story ‘Mr Wolve’s Pancakes’ to think about the ingredients needed to make our own pancakes. We made a list which was used to buy the ingredients. Then we got to making pancakes which was so much fun. First, we worked in small groups to make the batter. Then everyone had a turn at tossing their pancake in the air with the help of an adult. We used our different senses to think about the pancakes that we could see, smell, touch and taste. In our play, lots of children enjoyed repeating this experience using playdough and used frying pans to toss their playdough creations.

On World Book Day, we came to nursery dressed up as our favourite book characters. Butterfly Class was taken over by dinosaurs, Postman Pat, Cruella De Ville and many more characters from stories. We spent the day reading books, making up our own stories and talking about the characters we dressed up as.

It was so exciting to wake up one day, and everything was covered in snow. We had lots of fun in Butterfly Class as the snow kept falling. In our groups, we talked about the snow outside and also explored bowls of snow brought in from the cold. We explored what would happen if we left the snow out on a plate, put some in the fridge but also but some in the freezer too. It was great to think like scientists. Then everyone got into their waterproofs and we stomped up to the Muga where we threw snow balls, built snowmen and made patterns in the snow.

This term, we have also been trying our new hot lunches. Every Monday and Friday, we have been trying new foods such as pasta carbonara, lamb pie and curry. As time goes on, we are learning how to try new things and we will keep practising this. Everyone sits in their groups, around the table, sharing the food together. It’s also an opportunity to practise using our knives and forks.