We have a few spaces remaining for 2-year-olds and 3-year-olds for September 2024, so please apply quickly to secure a place.

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are writing to you about the sad events that have happened over the weekend locally.

As a Nursery School we send our heartfelt sympathies to those affected by these tragic events and are aware that it’s a very difficult and upsetting time for so many of us. We would like to reassure you that our Nursery School team we are here to offer support to anyone that needs it.

We have not addressed the incident directly with the children due to their young age, however we will continue with supporting them as and when issues arise.

We have attached some NHS guidance around supporting young children with trauma and bereavement which have been provided by the Early Years’ Service who are working closely with us.

Please can we remind you that, as requested by the police and to stop speculation, it is extremely important there should be no commentary or sharing of information or images online or through social media that could in any way prejudice any future proceedings.

In the meantime, we will continue to look after each other, maintain familiar routines and focus on providing a space of safety, calm and reassurance.

Best wishes
Cate Peel and the Leadership Team

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