Shhhhhh…. Peace at Last!

This term we have been exploring the story ‘Peace at last!’ It’s about poor Mr Bear who can’t sleep because of all the different noises in the house at night. We have been learning the repetitive phrases throughout the story and joining in as well as using props to reenact the story through our play.

Visits from the Children’s Kitchen

We were incredibly lucky to have Kelly from Children’s kitchen visit us a few times this term.

We learnt how to make sour dough bread and we made healthy wraps.

We learnt about the names of different name of lots of vegetables as well as the look, texture, smell, and taste.

We loved eating the lush wraps we’d made too!

Our New Bricks

We got some amazing new bricks thanks to the John James fund, and we have thoroughly enjoyed exploring these with our wild animal figures.

We’ve built ramps, houses, zoos and farms for our animals.

It’s also been a great chance to develop our building skills, learning how high, big, and long we can build with these lovely blocks. It’s also promoted a great new way to play imaginatively.

Water Play!

We’ve always LOVED water play in hedgehogs’ class- we are all water babies!

This term we have been pouring, filling emptying, and splashing!

Next term we will add different experiences in our water play- flowers, bubbles, bottles and pots with lids, food colour, glitter etc to extend our learning with water.

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