World Book Day 2024
World Book Day is always an amazing day and this year our Owls came in all dressed up in some amazing characters, from princesses to superhero’s and favourite story book characters such as the Gruffalo and Sulley!
It was so lovely to see all the children all dressed up, with big smiles!
World book also means reading lots of our most favourite books!
What’s your favourite book to read?

Easter with the Owls
Easter is wonderful time of year, we learnt so much about new lives of Easter themed animals like chicks and lambs.
We had an Easter egg hunt, painted our own Easter cards, and explored playing with plastic eggs in our sandpit.
We worked hard to open the plastic eggs, but once we had we filled them with sand, poured it out from various heights and made egg sandcastles!

New Bikes and Wobble Board
Our Owls have absolutely loved the news bikes and wobbleboard!
Being able to share and take turns at who cycles and who is sitting or standing on the back. It has been really wonderful to see them zooming around the garden on them.
The wobble board is also very exciting! We can sit on it, and it rocks back and forth, side and side and even spins around and around.

Building in New and Interesting Ways
We’ve been experimenting with building in new and interesting ways this term.
How high can we build before it starts to wobble, can we carefully balance this piece on top?
Building bridges to walk across is also a fantastic way to help with our balancing skills, making it bumpy with ramps also makes it more exciting.

Music Man Visit
We have really enjoyed our visits from Rich the Music Man!
He brought with him a xylophone! Which we absolutely loved.
He was kind enough to leave us a xylophone for us to use, and we have had the best time exploring how it works, by removing each of the bars and reattaching them in order. We have made some beautiful music to, noticing how each bar makes a different noise and how it gets louder when you hit the bars harder.
Thank you Rich!

Painting our Chinese Dragon
When we celebrated the Chinese New Years, we did a variety of fun and exciting activities.
We made and painted our very own Chinese Dragon!
We also danced to some lovely Chinese music and tried some delicious Chinese food.
How did you celebrate the Chinese New Year?

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Our focus book this term has been Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
This book was written and illustrated by Eric Carle and Bill Martin, Jr.
The story is about looking and learning about colours and animals. With wonderful pictures and fun repetition and rhymes, this book has been a class favourite!